Saturday, January 7, 2012

In the Beginning.....

So today is day 1. I've tried weight loss programs & diets before & kept gaining the weight back plus some. This is time for me to stop with the excuses. So here goes. My starting weight is 244 lbs. My goals for the first week is to give up pop because it isn't good for me or my skin & to drink the correct amount of water each day. I will also watch what I put into my temple, & try to glorify God with my body. I want to lose 2 lbs a week. I want to lose more, but the experts say if I do I'm more apt to gain them back. My goal by this summer is to run/walk a half-marathon. Most people don't think I can do it, but I want to. Most people didn't think I could do a tri-athlon but I did. I swam 1/2 mile, biked 13.1 miles, & did a 5k. Ok, I limped a 5k. lol. I did it twice too. I know I can be great, God did not create me to be weak. So here I go. Let's do this!